Create a two panel RHI plot#

An example which creates a two panel RHI plot of a cfradial file. The fields included in the two panels are reflectivity and doppler velocity.

Reflectivity and Velocity   Azimuth: 37.299°  2011-05-24 01:56:04.0 UTC

# Author: Max Grover (
# License: BSD 3 clause

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pyart
from pyart.testing import get_test_data

# Read the data and create the display object
filename = get_test_data("")
radar =
display = pyart.graph.RadarDisplay(radar)

# Fields to plot and ranges
fields_to_plot = ["reflectivity_horizontal", "mean_doppler_velocity"]
ranges = [(-20, 20), (-17.0, 17.0)]
cmaps = ["pyart_HomeyerRainbow", "pyart_balance"]

# Plot the data
nplots = len(fields_to_plot)
plt.figure(figsize=[5 * nplots, 4])

# Plot each field
for plot_num in range(nplots):
    field = fields_to_plot[plot_num]
    vmin, vmax = ranges[plot_num]
    cmap = cmaps[plot_num]

    plt.subplot(1, nplots, plot_num + 1)
    display.plot(field, 0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title_flag=False, cmap=cmap)
    display.set_limits(ylim=[0, 17])

# Grab the fixed angle and time from the first sweep
fixed_angle = radar.fixed_angle["data"][0]
time = radar.time["units"][13:]

# Add the metadata to the title
    f"Reflectivity and Velocity \n Azimuth: {np.around(fixed_angle, 3)}\u00B0 {time} UTC"

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.850 seconds)

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