

Creating plots of Radar and Grid fields.

There are also Radar related colormaps and colorblind friendly radar colormaps for plotting.

Available colormaps, reversed versions (_r) are also provided, these colormaps are available within matplotlib with names ‘pyart_COLORMAP’:

  • BlueBrown10

  • BlueBrown11

  • BrBu10

  • BrBu12

  • Bu10

  • Bu7

  • BuDOr12

  • BuDOr18

  • BuDRd12

  • BuDRd18

  • BuGr14

  • BuGy8

  • BuOr10

  • BuOr12

  • BuOr8

  • BuOrR14

  • Carbone11

  • Carbone17

  • Carbone42

  • Cat12

  • EWilson17

  • GrMg16

  • Gray5

  • Gray9

  • NWSRef

  • NWSVel


  • PD17

  • RRate11

  • RdYlBu11b

  • RefDiff

  • SCook18

  • StepSeq25

  • SymGray12

  • Theodore16

  • Wild25

Colorblind friendly

  • LangRainbow12

  • HomeyerRainbow

  • balance

  • ChaseSpectral

  • SpectralExtended


AirborneRadarDisplay(radar[, shift])

A display object for creating plots from data in a airborne radar object.

GridMapDisplay(grid[, debug])

A class for creating plots from a grid object using xarray with a cartopy projection.

GridMapDisplayBasemap(grid[, debug])

A class for creating plots from a grid object on top of a Basemap.

RadarDisplay(radar[, shift])

A display object for creating plots from data in a radar object.

RadarMapDisplay(radar[, shift, grid_projection])

A display object for creating plots on a geographic map from data in a Radar object.

RadarMapDisplayBasemap(radar[, shift])

A display object for creating plots on a geographic map from data in a Radar object.


plot_convstrat_scheme(always_core_thres, ...)

Plots the scheme used in the convective stratiform classification

plot_maxcappi(grid, field[, cmap, vmin, ...])

Plot a Maximum Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator (Max-CAPPI) using an xarray Dataset.