========== Py-ART 2.0 ========== In preparation for version 2.0.0 of Py-ART, codes were standardized for consistency purposes as further defined in the `Contributor's Guide `_. These changes will break some users code as the API has changed. This guide will detail the changes for each module. How to Try Py-ART 2.0 ===================== The Py-ART 2.0 release candidate can be installed directly from github - this is still a work in progress, feedback is welcome!:: pip install git+https://github.com/ARM-DOE/pyart@release/2.0 Input/Output (IO) ================= We now offer the option to use xradar for IO, with the following interface (a typical gridding workflow is shown below): .. code-block:: python import xradar as xd import pyart # Access sample cfradial1 data from Py-ART and read using xradar filename = get_test_data("swx_20120520_0641.nc") tree = xd.io.open_cfradial1_datatree(filename) # Add the associated pyart methods - ensuring compatibility with Py-ART functionality radar = tree.pyart.to_radar() # Grid using 11 vertical levels, and 101 horizontal grid cells at a resolution on 1 km grid = pyart.map.grid_from_radars( (radar,), grid_shape=(11, 101, 101), grid_limits=( (0.0, 10_000), (-50_000.0, 50_000.0), (-50_000, 50_000.0), ), ) Correct ======= The `dealias_fourdd `_ algorithm has been removed given the now unsupported RSL library. It is recommended that users move to the `region-based dealiasing algorithm `_. Graph ===== Colormaps have been moved to a dedicated package outside Py-ART, `cmweather `_. For example, visualizing our grid mentioned previously, it is recommended to install/import cmweather and change the colormap name from `pyart_ChaseSpectral` to `ChaseSpectral` .. code-block:: python import cmweather display = pyart.graph.GridMapDisplay(grid) display.plot_grid( "reflectivity_horizontal", level=0, vmin=-20, vmax=60, cmap="ChaseSpectral" )