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- 19 September 2017
- News
The open source software community specializing in weather radar has it’s new web site up and running.
- 16 September 2017
- Python
wradlib was one of the first open source software solutions to support all essential steps of the weather radar processing chain. Since 2011, wradlib has evolved to be a professional solution for interactive weather radar data analysis and operational processing, with a large international user community in academia, government agencies, and the private sector. The user forum with more than 170 active members from all around the world provides an agile platform for exchange and support.

Radar Tools for ArcGIS
This tools enable ArcGIS to order, download and visualize Level II and Level III data in vector and raster formats.
RSL in IDL is a package of routines for working with TRMM Ground Validation radar data. The programs and data structures are modeled on TRMM GV’s C-based Radar Software Library (RSL), but are written in the Interactive Data Language (IDL). The idea is to provide the utility of RSL in an IDL environment.
NASA’s Radar Software Library (RSL) was developed to support the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). It is designed to read data from a variety of weather radar formats into a uniform structure, and provide tools for working with the data. It is written in the C language.
This software provides Python functions that will estimate turbulence from Doppler radar data ingested via Py-ART. Specifically, this software will estimate the cubic root of eddy dissipation rate, given input radar data containing reflectivity and spectrum width. Can be done on an individual sweep basis or by processing a full volume at once. If the latter, a new turbulence field is created within the Py-ART radar object. The turbulence algorithm is based on the NCAR Turbulence Detection Algorithm (NTDA), adapted to work with a single radar.
A python package that computes various fundamental characteristics for use in radar meteorology.
Meant to process Level 1.5 to Level 2 data.
Open Source Weather Radar Virtual Machine
This projects creates a Linux Virtual Machine image (VM) with a number of open source weather radar software packages (BALTRAD, Py-ART, Radx, RSL, and wradlib) which can be run using VirtualBox on a number of host OSes.
The creation of this VM has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Mac OS X 10.9 hosts running vagrant 1.5.4. Other host should be supported if a recent version of vagrant (1.3+) and VirtualBox can be installed.
MultiDop is a Python-based interface between the C-based DDA code developed at University of Oklahoma and the Python Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Radar Toolkit (Py-ART) software developed at Argonne National Lab. Use this software to perform 3D wind analyses using 2-3 independent Doppler radars.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regularly produces national 3D radar reflectivity mosaics via its Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system. These mosaics are wonderful for storm and precipitation analysis and research, but they are distributed in odd formats that NOAA is ever changing. Sometimes you just want to read a file and make a plot! This is what MMM-Py is for. With it, you can read any version of the MRMS radar mosaics, past or present, and you can analyze, plot, subsection, and output custom mosaics of your own, which MMM-Py can ingest later. MMM-Py is free and open source. It is capable of producing publication-ready figures and analyses, but it also can do quicklook plots so you can check out the cool storm that just happened.
Visualization tool leveraging PyArt package. Allows browsing data and accessing some PyArt calculations. Also working toward Solo-like editing alternative.